Policy Brief

Issue at a Glance

IHPL periodically develops briefs on current issues with a special focus on oral health, hunger, and mental/behavioral health.  We hope that our “Issue At A Glance” will inform our readers and spark a dialogue among stakeholders to better promote health and prevent disease. To access previous issues, please visit our archive. 

Issue Briefs

July 2024. Plastics and Microplastics

July 2024. Plastics and Microplastics

In honor of the Plastic Free July, this brief provides an overview of various sources of microplastics in the environment, the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015, and the negative health effects of plastics and microplastics.
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May 2024. Women’s Mental Health

May 2024. Women’s Mental Health

In honor of the Mental Health Awareness Month and the National Women’s Health Week in May, this issue brief provides an overview of the gender gap in mental health, the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health, and the various factors impacting women’s mental health.
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